How To Size Up Your Interviewers | Resume Writers Perth

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Hey, Sal here from Oz Resumes, Resume Writers Perth. Thank you so much for dropping by my blog today.

There have been a lot of questions that have been asked by my clients about profiling or even sizing up the interviewer before the interview. The reason they keep asking me this is because they want to be super prepared for the interview and not leave any chance of losing out or failing the interview.

Here are a few tips for me to share on how I help my clients size up the interviewers and come in prepared.

Check out their LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn helps you understand a bit more about the interviewers’ profile. When I say profile, you want to see if they are extroverts or introverts.

Extroverted LinkedIn Profile

An extroverted profile usually will have the interviewer’s picture with colour and a coloured background. Introverts tend to not want to show their face on LinkedIn or have a profile picture with no colour (black and white). You will also notice that the details of the LinkedIn profile are usually explained in a ‘dot-point’ format. It would have information about their experience and qualifications but will not be as detailed as an introvert’s profile.

Introverted LinkedIn Profile

As mentioned above, an introverted interviewer’s profile would usually have either no picture or have one with a black and white colour format. Sometimes there are introverted profiles with coloured profile pictures, but it will probably be those taken professionally from their company staff photo album. You will also notice that the introverted LinkedIn profile will either have not many details about their work or very detailed explanation of their experience and qualifications.

What to do now that you know if the interviewer is Introverted or Extroverted

Now that you know the interviewer is extroverted or introverted you have solved half the battle. The next step is to say the information that will resonate with them.


With extroverts, it is quite easy to build a relationship and in the interview. During the interview pay attention to what he is saying. Find something similar or commonality. For example, in my case, I was originally from Singapore and most interviewers or Australians would have visited Singapore. That is something to bring up at the interview. So when the extroverted interviewer hears that, it will trigger him or her to talk about his experience in or of Singapore. This is my little diversion tactic but also to leave an impression with the interviewer. He or she will remember me as ‘Oh that Singaporean guy’! But be aware and not to go overboard as sometimes you may get carried away and talking too much about your personal life and will leave a bad impression. Be tactful and just find that one common thing to talk about briefly and then go back to talking about the job.


Introverts, on the other hand, you have to be focused on talking about the job details. You will need to talk about your experience relative to the position. So to keep things simple, memorise your resume.


In conclusion, keep it simple on sizing up your interviewers to extroverts and introverts. Hope this information has helped. Stay tuned for more useful tips on interviews!

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